Marine Transportation System

Archive for September, 2008|Monthly archive page

18 Agencies with 1 National Strategy for the MTS

In Uncategorized on September 8, 2008 at 12:49 pm

“Through the National Strategy, the CMTS will communicate information about challenges that need to be addressed to improve the MTS and ensure that policies and actions of its Agencies are synchronized, coordinated with other policy facilitation structures such as the Committee on Ocean Policy, focused on the future, and targeted to the most critical issues.”

A positive action taken by the Bush Administration in the area of the port/maritime sector was the creation of the cabinet level Committee for the Marine Transportation System.  The newly released “national strategy” framework by the CMTS considers the MTS condition and recommends action in eight areas ranging from promotion of the Marine Highway to environmental sustainability.   Pbea

18 Agencies with 1 National Strategy for the MTS